10 Lawn Care Tips

Below is a list of 10 lawn care tips that are important for anyone who wants to have a nice lawn.

1 - If you do live on or near some dusty roads, your can be sure lawn could be suffering. Do you know that the rate of photosynthesis could be greatly reduced even with a light coating of dust? You need to wash the lawn with water and dish soap every few days or when it looks like it needs some cleaning. Do not use anti bacterial dish soap, as this will leave the lawn with yellow streaks.

2 - If you live in a wild fire hazard area, then try to use lawn grass that can help reduce fire hazard. These lawn grass are available at your local lawn care store. A good combination of grass that would work is Canada bluegrass, wheat grass, sheep fescue, and blue gramma grass.

3 - If there are shady sections in your lawn, you can let the shady grass grow longer than the grass in the sunny sections. This will help it look better. And remember to prune out some of the dense branches to let in more light.

4 - Earthworms are good for your lawn. Try to attract more earthworms to your yard with organic lawn fertilizer. This will attract earthworms like ants to honey.

5 - Try to spread a thin layer of organic matter on the lawn frequently. Mushroom compost is a good choice. This is the stuff that mushrooms grow in the mushroom farms. It is made up of substances like horse manure, straw, gypsum, and limestone. You can apply it as you would regular compost.

6 - Mow the lawn with mulcher mower can help you use less fertilizer. This mower drop the cut up grass clippings to the soil where they will decompose faster. Typical grass clippings contain 4% nitrogen, 1% phosphorous, and 3% potassium, which are about the same as many of the organic fertilizers.

7 - If after mowing your grass, and the grass seems less green and has a tan cast, then your mower blades are probably dull because a sharp blade cuts the top off leaving a thin tan line at the top of each blade. However, a dull blade tears the grass leaving a ragged edge and a big wounded area that turns brown. A few days after mowing the grass with a dull blade, the lawn will be brownish green.

8 - When lawns get enough moisture they are not worried of getting trampled. However, if the grass do not get enough water, they do not have enough strength to recover from those trampling. So make sure each time you water the lawn, the moisture reaches 6 to 8 inches below the surface. This will help encourage strong and deep roots that can stand up to periodic drought.

9 - Do not water your lawn at night, as this is bad for your grass. You need to be aware that watering encourages brown patch and other fungus diseases. It is strongly recommended that watering the lawn be carried out between 5 and 8 A.M.

10 - Too much salt in soft water can kill a lawn, so make sure that your outdoor faucets are not connected to the water softener system.

Top 20 Gardening Advices for You


  • Garden chemicals area capable of burning your skin hence put on a mask, overalls, gloves and goggles.
  • Do not make use of chemicals during windy conditions. Wait for a still, dry day.
  • Make use of ear defenders while utilizing loud equipments.
  • All the time put on sturdy boots or shoes during gardening.
  • A ladder might go downwards on a ground that is soft and slide on a hard ground, so get somebody to grasp the ladder at its base.
  • When making use of power tools, put on tight fitting overalls (or clothes), sturdy footwear and goggles.
  • A good circuit breaker ought to be made use of when working with electrical equipments. This will right away cut off the power in case the cable gets cut or the equipment builds up a fault.


  • It is a fine plan to mix up silver sand with the sachet of seeds prior to sowing in a seed pot/tray, since this would offer a lot improved circulation of plants and help it to make simpler to pick out seedlings.


  • Make sure about bonfires for animals (frogs, hedgehogs, mice, toads and so forth.) prior to lighting.


  • Children are hypnotically drawn towards water. Think about filling up the pond with big stones or else fit a strong four-inch steel grill close to the pond.


  • When putting up the paving at the side of the grass, make sure that it is lower than level of soil in order to evade catching the blades of the lawnmower.


  • To decrease the rotting up of the fence supports, place them in some container that contains a decontaminator for a few hours prior to using.

Potting On

  • When transferring house plants into a bigger container, the plants will develop roots instead of producing flowers. Hence leave the plants as it is till after the flowering has ended.


  • While watering the plants in the edge, make certain that you provide them with a really proper drink. Simply providing them with a short duration watering pushes the roots to grow close to the covering of the soil, as a result turning the plant into lesser drought resilient and more at risk to be shaken by wind.


  • In case you are planning to go for a vacation then ask a neighbor or friend to water the houseplants, patio planters and hanging baskets.
  • Then again you can place all the plants together with the houseplants on the lawn or patio, place the lawn-sprinkler amid them and hook up the hosepipe to some tap that is outside and make use of a water timer. Give a trail to the settings prior to your going away.
  • If the grass has increased to a height whilst you were away for a vacation, then provide it with a trimming with the help of a blade placed rather high and then lower it some days later. This will reduce the possibility of the grass getting into shock and letting weeds to be grown.

Lawn Care

  • For a better-looking lawn, trim it two times in 2 dissimilar directions that is to say. vertically and horizontally or diagonally.
  • As a replacement for grass lawn, on the whole practical in slanting sites or places in complete shade, think about growing chamomile, evergreen epimedium, thyme, or Corsican mint.
  • Get rid of fungi from your lawn prior to mowing, to bring to an end the increase of spores.
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